Dean's Welcome Notes
If you are a top notch dog or cat breeder, consider placing an ad with We pride ourselves on offering outstanding service to our customers.
For those readers who are looking to purchase a pet, do browse through the ads. The dog and cat breeders who advertise with us are some of the finest in the country!
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.

Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Animal Trivia: Name this blue cartoon dog with the
southern drawl
Go to the end of the newsletter for the answer.
What would you do if your dog was lost or stolen? |
One of your worst fears has come true - your dog is gone!!!! Now what??
It is NOT hopeless! Here is a list of what you CAN do:
First, check your house and yard - calmly and thoroughly
Put some items outside your house that have your dogs' scent on them
Create posters of your missing dog & put them up at least 2-3 miles out
The posters need to have a full body photo and a phone number
Walk around your neighborhood and talk to people
If you believe your dog was stolen, file a police report
Put an ad in your local paper - often times lost pet ads are free
Go to local shelters, humane societies, and animal control
Call local veterinarians
Check with your highway department - unfortunately
Call local rescue organizations
Be sure to use common sense, and beware of scams
There are free services on the internet that are worth checking out. is one - register with them, and then you can create and print free posters of your dog. Then put your information in their database. They also have a free mapping program, by zip code, that lists the vets and shelters in your area.
The Missing Pet Network is another useful site. You can submit a free ad for your lost or stolen pet with them.
What to do before your pet is lost!
It's helpful to have a full body photo of your dog
Make sure your dogs have up to date rabies vaccines & copy that number down
Keep a copy of any registrations and tags for your dog
Microchips and/or tatoos might be an option for your dog
(lost dog found after 7 years because of microchip- watch the video)
Cyber Fiber
Smilies - the definition is: "small graphical images that can be used to convery an emotion or feeling". These range from simple  to amusing 
Some are quite active 
The assortment is amazing - and occassionally, really, really annoying! Use sparingly!

To "get" one of these smilies, put your cursor over the photo then right click with your mouse. Scroll down to "Save Picture As...", left click that and give it a name. There are lots of sites with free smilies on the internet - have fun searching!
Start Your Holiday Shopping Now !
Heated beds and Snuggly Sleepers for those cold nights that are almost upon us!
Fill the stockings!
The cats get Kookamunga Catnip Treats
and New Collars
The dogs get New Toys and Vitamin Supplements
Need a gift for a "guy and his dog"? HyperProducts are just the ticket.
Abyssinian : Definitely NOT your average lap cat!
These precious animals are some of the most inquisitive of the cat breeds'. However, you need to be prepared to amuse these beasts, or they are apt to be depressed!
Abyssinians are called Abys for short. They have
"ticked" hair; each strand has 4 to 6 bands of color that alternate light and dark. By the way - a Somali cat is a long haired Abyssinian.
Unknown author:
"Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God."
Animal Trivia Answer: Huckleberry Hound

Read our past newsletters online
We are passionate about our business and always appreciate referrals.
Please share or forward this to friends, colleagues, and animal lovers.
Main office in Oregon: Kathy |
(541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST) |
Ads Manager in Oklahoma: Linda |
(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
Premium Placement Ad Specialist: Betty |
(405) 282-4058 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
Premium Placement Ad Specialist: Linda |
(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
Published by: 5897 Canary Rd Westlake, OR 97493 (541) 997-0131
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