Contact: | Janet Crock | |
Business: | Western Wynds | |
Telephone: | 512-520-7844 | |
E-Mail : | janet.crock@gmail.comm | |
Web Site : | Visit Website | |
Video Link : | | |
City: | Austin | |
State/Province: | Texas | |
Zip/Post Code: | 78749 | |
Country: | United States | |
Price: | $2000 | |
Available?: | Two male pups available now | |
Ship/Deliver: | YES | |
Please tell us you saw us on | ||
Added: 12/13/2011 | Updated:01/15/2025 |
Description: |
Slovensky Cuvac puppies♥ Home raised, socialized Slovensky Cuvac pups, with all shots, microchipped and AKC FSS registrations. My pups, ARJUN and ANSEL, were the first American bred Slovensky Cuvac to be registered in the Czech/Slovak database for this breed!♥ Beautiful, rare, white, loyal and loving companions, bred for health and excellence. Native to Slovakia where they were used as companions and flock guardians. Alert, intelligent, fun-loving and confident; about 23-28 inches tall, 75-100 lbs.; healthy and hardy with a life expectancy of 11+ years. ♥ I am an American of Slovak descent who fell in love with the Slovensky Cuvac and I can answer all your questions in clear English. ♥ This breed forms a strong bond with its human family. They want to be near you and included in your activities. They make excellent walking-running companions and can be trained in agility, search and rescue, as service dogs and for other activities. ♥ My dogs are my companions and home guardians, not raised with livestock. I am a responsible breeder, not interested in producing litter after litter of puppies from the same bloodlines. I am dedicated to this rare and wonderful breed. Please tell me you saw my ad on |
Contact Us: | |
Telephone: | 512-520-7844 |
E-Mail : | janet.crock@gmail.comm |