Dean's Welcome Notes
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the feasts of the season. Yes, most of us will probably slip a "treat" or two to our animals during the festivities. So, if you put raisins in your stuffing, make sure you don't feed those tidbits to your cats or dogs- raisins can be poisonous to them. Also, onions can be toxic to cats.

If a new puppy is on the horizon for a holiday present, be sure to take a look at some basic planning guidelines below. And of course, please look through our breeder's ads for the most wonderful puppies anywhere!
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
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Puppy Proofing You and Your Home |
You're getting a new puppy. First: CONGRATULATIONS! Second: Are you ready?
The arrival of a new puppy is a great event. And, like most great events, planning is necessary.
Here are 4 basic things to take stock of before your puppy comes home.
* Figure out what to do with all that puppy energy!
A puppy needs attention and exercise – lots of it! Have toys available for your puppy to chew on and to play with. Is there a place for them to run around somewhere? Do you have a leash to walk them on?
* Develop a schedule for you and your puppy
Things can be a whole lot easier if you set up regular schedules with your puppy for feeding, playing, exercise, "doing their business", and sleeping. Pick one place to feed them. Decide where they will sleep. They develop routines just like humans do, so use this to your advantage!
*Basic obedience training for your puppy
Start looking around for puppy training classes in your area. Teaching your puppy the basic commands of sit, stay, come, heel, and down will be well worth your effort! Who knows, maybe you'll both love it and go on to agility training.
* Puppy proofing your home – inside and outside
Ask yourself “What is this puppy going to get into?”. Then, using the lists below, take a look around and see what might need to change a bit. Ah, it's a good idea to have a veternarian picked out ahead of time.
Puppy Proofing inside your house (including basements, garages and outbuildings)
- Furniture – puppies chew – so make sure they have something to chew on other than your furniture
- Carpets – what goes into a puppy will come out of a puppy – so consider confining your puppy to areas where accidents can be easily cleaned up
- Shoes – if you leave them laying around, they're fair game as far as your puppy is concerned!
- Electrical cords – make sure your puppy can't get to them
- Cords on window blinds/drapes – if the cords are looped, your puppy can get tangled in them
- Cleaning supplies – put these products up off the floor or out of the way
- Toilets – keep the lids down if you use dyes. Be aware that automatic toilet bowl cleaners can be lethal.
- Security Systems – if you have motion detectors they might need to be adjusted
- Toys – make sure your puppy has toys that are the right type and size
- Floors – look around – what's down there that your puppy will play with
- Beds – give them their own bed or crate. At least until they're potty trained!
Puppy Proofing outside your house (including driveways, yards, barns)
- Lawn chemicals – puppies and dogs eat grass – be aware of what you're putting on your lawn
- Cocoa mulch – this is toxic to dogs
- Pools – make sure you teach your puppy where the steps are, in case they fall in. They can't climb up a ladder like we can!
- Anti freeze / oil – be aware of any spills of these in your driveway or parking area
- Fences and gates – have sturdy closures on gates – keep an eye out for digging under the fence!
- Vegetation / flowers – lots of beautiful plants are toxic to dogs – take a minute and read up on some of the major culprits
Teach Your Pet a New Language This month it's Spanish!
Cat = Gato or Gata (female)
Dog = Perro or Perra (female)
Sit = Sientate
Stay = Quieto
Down = Tumbate
Come = Ven
Heel = Junto
To here these words pronouced - go here and type in the Spanish word & change the language to Spanish)
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(541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST) |
Ads Manager in Oklahoma: Linda |
(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
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