Dean's Welcome Notes
The Dog Days of Summer are here - yet again! If the heat is getting to you, why not sit back, relax, and enjoy our latest newsletter. We've even got a couple of video clips that should bring on a big smile!
For our Advertising Members: celebrates Ten Years online with a special advertising rate. Here are the details.
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.
You and Your High Tech Pet |
You've kept up with technology. You might even consider yourself tech savvy, bordering on geek-dom.
Take the test. Tally up how many of these items are in your household.
Technology For People: ____________ (total)
☐ computer |
☐ pda |
☐ ipad |
☐ blue tooth |
☐ iphone |
☐ kindle |
☐ ipod |
☐ thumb clip |
☐ gps |
☐ mifi |
Technology For Pets: ____________ (total)
Results: (Technology For People)
If you checked 1, you're happy reading this newsletter and that's all you need or want.
If you checked 2 - 4, you consider yourself tech savvy, but not obsessed.
If you checked 5 - 7, you are approaching geek status, but still have room to grow.
If you checked 8 or more, you are out of control, or have many teenagers in your home.
Results: (Technology For Pets)
If you checked 0, you failed the technology challenge. Keep reading this article.
If you checked 1, yippee! You're ahead of the game - but keep reading anyway!
Results: (Technology For People & Pets)
If you checked 11, you have reached, at least perceived, geek-dom. Nifty.
Time to get back to the technology for pets.
What is microchipping, why use it, and how does it work?
Well, it's not that complicated.
Microchipping is the implantation of an identifying integrated circuit under the skin of an animal; and it's come a long way in the last 20 years. Why microchip your pet? The most obvious reason is to help you recover your lost pet. Another prevalent use of microchipping is for the unique identification of an animal.
The microchip is encoded with your information and your pet's information. If your lost pet is found by someone, they can take the animal to a shelter, rescue organization or veterinarian, where the animal can be scanned for the presence of a chip. Then, voila! Your information will be there, and you and your pet can be reunited.
A little more info about microchipping ~
- These units are now about the size of a grain of rice.
- The chip will last for the life of the animal.
- The insertion site in cats and dogs is usually between the shoulder blades.
- The chip is based on passive RFID technology - nothing is active, there are no "batteries" or power source.
- It's fairly inexpensive to have the chip inserted.
- Medical information can be encoded on the chip as well.
- Contact information can and should be kept up to date.
There are some important caveats with this technology ~
- Chips should not be viewed as a foolproof.
- There are several types of "pet chips", and no clear standard.
- Chips can be "missed" during scanning due to scanner/chip incompatibility, improper scanner use, or chip migration.
- Double chipping can occur and causes confusion, especially if both chips are not updated. There's the possibility that the first chip found has incorrect info and the person doing the scanning will stop at that point, not thinking that a second chip may exist.
Microchipping should not be hailed as the be-all-and-end-all of pet identification. Collar ID tags are still a must, and can quickly inform someone of an implanted chip. This tag can often circumnavigate the need for the actual scanning process, reuniting pets with their families very quickly. Here's a true story that illustrates one scenario.
A friend recently found a micro chip ID tag in a park. Not knowing whether the dog was actually lost or just missing the tag, he called the micro chip company and gave them the ID # that was imprinted on the tag. A representative of the company set up a conference call between my friend and the owner of the animal. Thankfully the animal was not lost; the tags just fell off his collar. Arrangements were made to get the tag back to the owner and all turned out well.
Celebrating the Dog Days of Summer at the Beach
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Dog Days of Summer | | | | | Dog Beach Boogie |
Click image to play | | | | | Click image to play |
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(541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST) |
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(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
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