Dean's Welcome Notes
Summer vacations are fast approaching. And many of us just can't imagine going away and not bringing our dog or cat with us! If you're one of those people, then be sure to make use of our handy dandy checklist created just for you when you travel with your pet. You can fill it out online then print it - or just print it out and fill it in by hand.
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.
Animal Humor:
Why was the boy feeding coins to his kitten?
Go to the end of the
newsletter for the answer.
Having a blast traveling with your pet! |
Summer is quickly approaching on the calendar. With this time of year comes travel to near and far destinations. Some go to see relatives, swim in a lake, fish in the surf or possibly hike in the mountains.
With this travel comes an obligation to our pets and their well being, especially if the plans include taking them along on the adventure.
Safety of your pet is always a top priority, but one needs to raise their awareness to an ever higher level when bringing the family pet along. Of course you need to remember the obvious such as food and water. We have put together an expanded travel check list to help with preparations.
Printable Travel Check List
Pet friendly hotel and motel accommodations are much more numerous than previous years. Be aware that most, if not all, accommodations charge a fee for pets and also impose a security deposit. This deposit may be held for days following your departure and could affect your charging capabilities as those deposits eat into your available balance.
To help get you started on pet friendly accommodations:
Search for Pet Friendly Hotels

Be sure to give plenty of exercise and stimulation to pets especially ones that have time at home to burn excess energy. Watch pets that are traveling from cooler climes to much warmer urban or southern areas. If you are going on a long trip, it's recommended to stop every couple hours and allow your pets to do what's natural!
Chartreux Cats (pronounced shar-true):
The meditating smiling mouser!
Legend has it that Chartreux cats arrived at Carthusian monasteries in France by way of Crusaders returning from Africa or Syria. The exact origins are not known. During the weary Crusader's travels back home some of these cats made their way to the head monastery of Grande Chartreuse. It is believed that the monks began to breed the cats for the characteristics which they preferred. The temperament that may have been most prized by the monks was a cat that tended to very quiet and as a result rarely interrupted a meditation. Additional traits include: the appearance of a perpetual smile, and great skill as hunters. Once the traits were cemented genetically, a truly symbiotic relationship existed between the cats and the monks.
Chartreux's are also known to be very intelligent playful animals that can be taught to fetch. They are adept at learning through observation, thus making simple devices such as switches, buttons and levers on doors fair game. This may have the humans believing that tricks are being played on them or that ghosts are present.
Animal Humor Answer: Because his Mom told him to "put money in the kitty".

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