Dean's Welcome Notes
Tis the season for scams, so we'd like to offer you a gentle reminder to be extra diligent ~ particularly in these times when so many of us are watching our pennies more closely. Whether the scam is aimed at one of our many fine dog or cat breeders, or going to the general public at large on the internet, please take a moment to read our Scam Alert page.
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.
Animal Trivia:
What are the names and breeds of the three animals that starred in the 1993 movie "Homeward Bound"?
Go to the end of the
newsletter for the answer.
Strange, Weird and Bizarre Animal Laws |
Sometimes laws just don't keep up with the changes in society!
Here are some of the more interesting examples of laws that are, theoretically, still "on the books" in these United States.
Some are too weird to be true, and others are equally too weird to not be true! Who knows what's still technically illegal?
Alaska - No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car
Alaska - No kangaroos allowed in barber shops
Arkansas - Dogs may not bark after 6pm, in Little Rock
Arizona - Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs
Connecticut - You may not educate dogs in Hartford
Georgia - Giraffes may not be tied to lamp posts or telephone poles
Indiana - Cats must wear bells on Friday the 13th, in the town of French Lick Springs
Illinois - It is illegal to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals
Illinois - It is illegal to give a dog whiskey
Illinois - No person may keep a smelly dog in Galesburg
Illinois - It is against the law to make faces at dogs while in Normal, IL
Illinois - You cannot take your French Poodle to the opera in Chicago
Illinois - Bees may not fly over the village of Kirkland
Kentucky - You cannot sell dyed ducklings unless you have at least 6 for sale at the same time
Massachusetts - Gorillas cannot ride in the back seat of your car
Maryland - You may not take your lion to the movies
Minnesota - A person may not cross state lines with a duck on their head
Michigan - Pigs can't run free in Detroit unless they have a ring in their nose
Michigan - You may not tie your alligator to a fire hydrant
Mississippi - You may not provide beer to your elephant while in Natchez
Montana - If you have a sheep in the cab of your truck, it must have a chaperone
New Jersey - Ducks may not quack after 10pm in Essex Falls
North Carolina - Cats and dogs may not fight
North Carolina - A rabbit cannot race down the street
North Carolina - Your cotton fields may not be plowed by elephants
Ohio - A policeman, in Paulding, may bite a dog to quiet him. However, the reverse is not true, even if it's a police dog.
Ohio - You may not get a fish drunk
Oklahoma - Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog
Oklahoma - Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property
Oklahoma - Horses are not allowed in the City Hall of Yukon
Oklahoma - Alligators are not allowed in Tulsa
Oklahoma - Mules can't drink out of bird baths in Wynona
Virginia - Chickens must lay eggs between 8am and 4pm - no earlier or later
West Virginia - Lions, tigers and leopards may not be walked in public, in Alderson
Birman Cats : White gloved beauties!
Often referred to as the "Sacred Cat of Burma", the origin of the breed is legendary ~ literally. The legend goes that 100 white cats lived with the priests at the temple of Lao-Tsun in Burma. The temple was raided, and one cat, Sinh, put his paws on a priest's head while he lay dying. The cat's fur and eyes changed color, but his paws remained pure white, symbolizing the purity of the priest.
The most prominent, and important, feature of the Birman cat is its white "gloved" feet.
Some might say that this breed of cat is all about balance. Although Birmans have long silky hair, it doesn't mat ~ a wonderful balance of a luxurious coat with no fuss to its owners. Birmans are very people oriented but adapt well to changing schedules ~ a balance of attitude and grace!
If you desire a cat that will play, greet you warmly when you come home, and have an air of dignity about them, then this breed will be the perfect choice for you!
Tay Hohoff:
"There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat"
Animal Trivia Answer:

Chance ~ American Bulldog Shadow ~ Golden Retriever Sassy ~ Himalayan Cat
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(541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST) |
Ads Manager in Oklahoma: Linda |
(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
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