Dean's Welcome Notes
Spring is well on its way and that means people start travelling the highways and byways again. That got us thinking about all those trucks on the road, and of course, pets! Here's the result of our musings... enjoy!
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.
Animal Trivia:
What's the name of this dog from the television series,
"Hart To Hart"?
What breed was this dog?
Go to the end of the
newsletter for the answer.
Truckers and Their Pets |
Pets are wonderful for everyone ~ so why not for long haul truckers ~ or even short haul truckers, correctly referred to as LTL (Less Than Truckload) truckers!
The trucking industry is one of the mainstays of the American economy.
Whether you commute to work or travel the highways for pleasure, you see trucks on the roads. Consider the fact that more than 80% of the towns in the United States rely solely on trucks to deliver all of the goods to their town. Yep - that's a lot of trucks; and truck drivers!
But, have you ever given much thought to the people driving those trucks?
Well, they're the same as the rest of us! They get up, go to work, come home, eat a meal, etc. If they're an OTR trucker (that stands for "Over the Road"), they get into their rigs, and go to work and drive, and then sleep in their trucks, and get up and drive again.
Whether they're OTR, Long Haul, or LTL, truckers love, value and appreciate their pets as much as everyone else. Dogs are by far the most common pets found with truckers. But there are plenty of drivers who have companions that are cats, rodents, and other interesting animals.
Meet Joe. Joe has a duck named Frank. Frank goes to work with Joe everyday - in Joe's truck.
Yes - this is true. This guy is great! And his duck is just as wonderful!
Some of the nice benefits for truckers of having a pet include:
~ pets provide much needed companionship
~ pets help reduce stress
~ pets are a great exercise motivator
~ dogs help lower blood pressure, because of the increase in exercise the drivers get
~ robbery is part of life for truckers, and pets can be a very useful alarm system.
Some cool things and neat people who celebrate truckers and their animals:
Susanne Spirit - She has a show 2 days a week at a truck stop in Ontario, California - just for truckers and their dogs.
Michael Fernandez - He pays homage to truckers and their pets in print form. Check out this calendar!
Kenn Seals of Chiro Stop in Utah - He dedicated a page of his website to truckers and pets.
The Tennessean Truck Stop - They built truckers (and the rest of us!) a pet park for those necessary roadside stops.
For Truckers and Their Pets
If you're a trucker and want to have a pet with you, here are some things to consider.
• Basic health and well being care for your animal, including:
~ vaccines need to be kept up to date
~ flea, heartworm and parasite protection
~ carry a copy of current licenses and certificates
~ make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise while on the road
~ bring bottled water and your pets "normal" food on the road with you
• Training your pet is really important!
• Collapsible crates come in handy
• Label your pet
~ perhaps a tracking device on the collar that has truck info & cell phone numbers
~ another suggestion is to carry string tags (for the collar) to put on local hotel info and phone numbers of places
where you're stopping
• A "pet deposit" is required by almost all carriers who allow pets
(and you probably shouldn't expect to get it back).
Russian Blue Cats : the smiling cat!
Why "Russian" and why "Blue"?
The "Russian" part comes about because this breed is thought to have originated in Russia - and their thick, dense coats seem to reinforce the theory. The "Blue" part of the breed name is there because that is the color of their fur ~ a blue gray.
You can quickly tell that it's all about their coat!
The fur on a Russian Blue cat is one of its most outstanding and recognizable features. Their double coat is very dense and thick. It's so dense that people claim you can write on them with your finger and the words will stay there until you smooth them away.
Cats and their environment: simply put, cats are not crazy about change! Russian Blues tend to dislike change more than other breeds, so a stable, non-changing home is perfect for them.
This cat looks like its smiling because the corners of its mouth are slightly upturned. And their green eyes are sure to captivate you!
Louis Camuti:
"Cat people are different, to the extent that they generally are not conformists. How could they be, with a cat running their lives?"
Animal Trivia Answer: Freeway was the dog. He was a Lowchen.

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(541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST) |
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(405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST) |
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