Famous Painters and Dogs January, 2010

Dean's Welcome Notes

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Fictional Dog Until next time,
Dean Hamill

Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.

Animal Trivia:

What is the name of this dog, and what Hanna-Barbara cartoon featured him?

Go to the end of the
newsletter for the answer.

Famous Painters and Dogs

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Charles Burton Barber paintingThere are artists who are known for their paintings of dogs ~ Henry Crowther, Maud Earl, and Edwin Holt to name a few.

For example - the marvelous and whimsical painting on the right was done by Charles Burton Barber, in 1883, and is titled "Off to School".

Have you heard of Charles Burton Barber?

The names of these dog artists are probably not well known to most of us. However, pick almost any famous artist in history, and they have surely painted a dog!

Feast your eyes on the works below. You will probably recognize a name or two.

Degas painting Picasso painting Toulousse-Latrec painting
Edgar Degas (1862) Pablo Picasso (1905) Toulouse-Latrec (1881)
"At the Stables Horse and Dog" "Boy with Dog" "Touc, Seated on a Table"
Monet painting Bonard painting Renoir painting
Claude Monet (1866) Pierre Bonnard (1891) Auguste Renoir (1870)
"Camille with a Small Dog" "Women with Dog" "Head of a Dog"
Warhol painting Lichtenstein painting  
Andy Warhol (1976) Roy Lichtenstein (1965)
"Portrait of Maurice" "Grrrrrrrrrrr!"
Hockney painting
David Hockney (1995)
"Dog Painting"

Cyber Fiber

Museums, Dogs, and Art

If the paintings above have sparked your interest, why not go to a museum or gallery and see what the "dog" has done to inspire so many artists throughout time. Besides, it's cold out and museums and galleries are usually nice and warm!

New York City ~ The William Secord Gallery is dedicated to 19th century dog paintings.

New York City ~ The Metropolitan Museum of Art; they even published a book on the dogs there!

St. Louis, MO ~ The AKC Museum of the Dog

Grand Junction, TN ~ The National Bird Dog Museum & The National Retriever Museum

Find A Museum in your state, city, or area.


Munchkin Cats : the short version...Munchkin cat

This breed of cat was in fact named for the little people in the Wizard of Oz.

Controvery surrounds these little gems. Where did the breed originate? Was is in 1983 in Louisiana or were they seen in England in the 1930's? Although their shorter legs are a genetic (and not man made) mutation - is the mutation acceptable? Should the breed be recognized? Opinions abound within the world of cat fanciers!

Munchkin cats are as playful as any other cat ~ if not even a bit more than normal. They can jump onto all of your furniture just fine, thank you. Buy a Munchkin kitten from one of our outstanding breeders and you can see for yourself that great things can come in small(er) packages!

Cynthia E. Varnado:

"It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens."

Animal Trivia Answer:   Muttley ~ from the Dick Dastardly cartoon

Muttley and Dick Dastardly

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