Dean's Welcome Notes
Thinking of buying a puppy or kitten for Christmas? Our adverstisers and breeders are some of the finest in the country.
See what great pets they have for sale!
Breeders ~ the holiday season is the perfect time to highlight your puppies and kittens for sale. Take advantage of our reasonably priced Premium Placement Ads. Show the world what beautiful animals you have for sale!
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Protect your pet ownership rights.
Urgent Legislative Alert.
Animal Trivia:
What is the name of this comic strip dog? What is the name of the comic strip? Who writes the comic strip?
Go to the end of the
newsletter for the answer.
How Do Dog Breeds Get Their Names? |
Did the Labrador Retriever originate in Labrador, or the German Shepherd in Germany? Were the first Irish Setters from Ireland?
Etymology is the study of word origins ~ basically how something came to be named what it is named. The etymology of dog breed names is truly fascinating, and often quite amusing.
The naming of dog breeds can be grouped into general categories:
- those named after people
- those named after places
- those named after the tasks they performed
- those whose names came from translated words
Dog breeds named after people
Dandie Dinmont Terrier - named after a character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Guy Mannering. This the only dog breed named after fictional character.
Doberman (also spelled Dobermann) - first bred by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann - in Germany around 1890
Jack Russell Terrier & Parson Russell Terrier - named after Reverend John Russell - in England in the mid 1800's
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier - named in honor of a past U.S. President
King Charles Spaniel - named after Charles II of England
Samoyed - named after the Samoyedic people of Siberia who first bred these dogs over 3000 years ago.

Dog breeds named after places
Newfoundland - for Newfoundland, Canada
Alaskan Malamute - both a place and a person namesake - as it is named after the Mahlemuts Tribe in Alaksa
Afghan Hound - for Afghanistan
Brussels Griffon - for Brussels, Belgium - its city of origin
Great Pyrenees - for the Pyrenees Mountains
Rhodesian Ridgeback - for Rhodesia, South Africa
Akita - for the Japanese island of Honshu in the Akita prefecture
Catahoula Leopard dog - for the Catahoula Parish in Louisiana
Dog breeds named after tasks they perform(ed)
Bulldog (aka English Bulldog) - bred in the 17th century for bullbaiting and cornering wild bulls
English Springer Spaniel - they "spring" game for hunters
Australian Cattle Dog - both a place and a task name - originally developed in Australia, to herd cattle
Harrier - the breed was originally designed to hunt hares
Anatolian Shepherd dog - both a place and a task name - originally from Anatolia (Turkey) and developed to herd sheep
Norwegian Elkhound - both a place, task and translated words - from Norwegian "Norsk Elghund" - meaning Norwegian moose dog
Dog Breed Names - from translated words
Borzoi - from Russian "borzaya" - meaning quick dog
Bichon Frise - from French "barbichon" and "frise" - meaning curly lap dog
Papillon - from French "papillon" - meaning butterfly (so named for their ears)
Dachshund - from German "dachs" and "hund" - meaning badger dog
Basset Hound - from French "bas" and the "et" ending - meaning rather low (hound)
Schnauzer - from German "schnauze" - meaning snout
So - let's get back to the first questions asked above ~ German Shepherds did originate in Germany, and Irish Setters did come from Ireland.
The Labrador Retriever answer is not as straightforward.
Labs originated from the St. John's Water Dog, which came from Newfoundland. These dogs were imported to England, and were renamed. The new name was representative of a geographic area - and not a specific place. That geographic area used to be called "the Labrador" - and represented an area covering not only Newfoundland, but other parts of Atlantic Canada.
P.S. We just liked the holiday dog pictures ~
they relate to nothing other than joy!
Cyber Fiber
Words Words Words
If you are fascinated by words, and their origins - the Online Etymology Dictionary is
a nice resource.
Maybe you're the kind of person who thinks words are nice, but pictures are nicer. Merriam-Webster has an Online Visual Dictionary. Click on one of their 15 category pictures - and get even more neat pictures!
Pixie Bob Cats: a gentle giant in the cat world!
The name says it all - this cat has been bred to look like a pixie-sized bobcat!
This is one of the larger breeds of domestic cats ~ with males easily reaching 18 - 20 pounds.
Pixie-bob cats have oodles of unique qualities ~
- they chirp
- they love water
- they enjoy riding in cars
- they can be easily leash trained
- they get along well with other animals
- they are the only breed accepted by any major cat association that allows polydactyly.
The breed name can be spelled Pixie-Bob, Pixie Bob, or Pixiebob.
If you're someone who really likes dogs but aren't sure if you would like a cat, this breed may just be the perfect fit for you!
Norwegian Proverb:
"It's better to feed one cat than many mice." |
Animal Trivia Answer: Odie (the dog) ~ Garfield comic strip written by Jim Davis

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