Are You and Your Pets Foodies? February, 2009

Dean's Welcome Notes

A legislative alert page has been created, for you. I feel very strongly that pet owners and breeders are under attack by radical forces. Become educated about the different positions of the parties involved. Information is powerful!

As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.

Mystery Dog Until next time,
Dean Hamill

Animal Trivia:

From the Rocky and Bullwinkle TV cartoons,
what was the name of the genius dog, and his pet boy?

Go to the end of the newsletter for the answer.

Are You and Your Pets Foodies?

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People are fascinated with food. Good old Webster's defines a foodie as "a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads". That definition has morphed over time to include people who like trying all the new restaurants, or reading the latest cookbooks, or experimenting with new ingredients, or simply an appreciation of great food.

Food for pets? Being a foodie is all very well and good; unless it applies to your pet. Dogs and cats don’t have the digestive systems to be true foodies

And yet, we persist! Aw, just one bite won’t hurt Rover or Shadow...

Maybe it won't, but here's a list of definite (or strongly suggested) no-no's for your dogs and cats.

  • Alcohol (any) - can lead to coma and can be fatal
  • Avocado - contains a toxin called persin which can cause vomiting and diarrhea
  • Baby Food - if it contains onion powder, then it can be toxic - read the label
  • Bacon - contains fat and salt - can cause pancreatitis - can be fatal
  • Broccoli - toxic in large quantities
  • Chocolate - the darker the more harmful - contains theobromine - toxic to dogs
  • Coffee (all forms) and tea - these contain caffeine, which can cause tremors and seizures
  • Eggs (raw) - can cause Salmonella poisoning
  • Fatty foods - can cause pancreatitis - often requires hospitalization
  • Fish (raw) - can cause Salmonella poisoning
  • Fruit pits - contain small amounts of cyanide, which is poisonous
  • Garlic - in large amounts it can cause hemolytic anemia - can be life threatening
  • Green beans, Sweet corn, Lettuce, Potatoes, Yams - large pieces are undigestable
  • Hops residue (used in home brewing) - in dogs, this can be fatal
  • Liver - raw or 3 servings/week of cooked - can lead to Vitamin A toxicity - can cause problems with bones and weight loss
  • Macadamia nuts - contain an unknown toxin very harmful to pets - may require hospitalization - not normally fatal
  • Moldy or spoiled foods - contains a fungal toxin (mycotixin) that can cause diarrhea, seizures, and coma - can be fatal
  • Mushrooms - certain species can be fatal - easier to avoid all mushrooms
  • Nutmeg - can cause tremors, seizures and nervous system damage
  • Onions, onion powder, onion salt - contain thiosulphate, a toxin for pets - can cause hemolytic anemia - can be life threatening
  • Persimmons - can cause intestinal blockage
  • Potato peelings, green potatoes - contain oxalates - affects digestive, nervous and urinary systems
  • Poultry bones - can splinter
  • Raisins and grapes - unknown culprit in both raisins and grapes that can cause severe diarrhea and kidney failure - can be fatal
  • Rhubarb Leaves - contain oxalates - affects digestive, nervous and urinary systems
  • Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder - in large amounts can cause an electrolyte imbalance - can be fatal
  • Sweets made with xylitol (includes some sugar free candies) - can cause liver failure in dogs - can be fatal
  • Tomatoes - uncooked tomatoes contain glycoalkaloid solanine, which is toxic to cats, and can be near-fatal
  • Tuna - excessive amounts fed to a cat can be fatal
  • Turkey skinĀ  - can cause pancreatitis
  • Walnuts - contain a fungus which will cause seizures
  • Yeast dough - the yeast rises in your pet's belly, and can also cause ethanol poisoning - can be fatal

  • Laissez les bons temps rouler!

    Mardi Gras Dog Mardi Gras DogMardi Gras DogMardi Gras Dog

    Cattails Siberian kittens for sale on

    Siberian : the most hypoallergenic of the cat breeds!

    They produce less allergens than any other breed of cat. If you love cats, but are mildly allergic to them, you may still be able to have a Siberian cat in your life - or 2, or 3 or 4 or 5!

    Siberian cats originated in Russia, are great jumpers, and are intelligent and loyal. Sounds purr-fect to me!

    Robert Heinlein:

    "Women and cats will do as they please,
    and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"

    Animal Trivia Answer:   Mr. Peabody and his pet boy, Sherman

    Mr. Peabody and Sherman

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    Ads Manager in Oklahoma:  Linda (405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(CST)

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