Dean's Welcome Notes
We have made our classifed ads even better! The photos are now on the right side, for easy viewing. See our new look – click on any ad.
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time, Dean Hamill
Animal Trivia:
Name this dog, and his owner.
Go to the end of the newsletter for the answer.
Will A Terrier Be The Next White House dog? |
It’s not often that a dog is in the headlines of all major newspapers in the country. Of course, this particular dog is still an unknown!
What kind of dog do you think will be the next White House dog?
Terriers Abound!
Terriers, in all their various forms, have been some of the most popular dogs to occupy the White House. Yep, we were surprised as well.
Take a look at this list!
George W. Bush - Barney and Miss Beazley, Scottish Terriers
Nixon - Pasha, Yorkshire Terrier
JF Kennedy - Charlie (who was Asta’s cousin), Welsh Terrier
Eisenhower - Caacie and Telek, Scottish terriers
FDR - Fala and Maggie, Scottish Terriers
Hoover - Ben Ben and Sonnie, Fox Terriers
Coolidge - Paul Pry, Airedale Terrier, Peter Pan, a terrier
Harding - Laddie, Airedale Terrier
Kermit Roosevelt (Theodore’s son) - Black Jack, Manchester Terrier
Theodore Roosevelt - Pete, a (Pit)Bull Terrier, Skip, mongrel Terrier
Rutherford B. Hayes - Dot, a terrier
Buchanan - Punch, Toy Terrier
Depending on your age, it’s either Barney or Fala as the most well known terrier in the White House.
Fala, the Scottish Terrier, was given to FDR in 1940 and traveled with him everywhere - in cars, trains and boats. During FDR’s fireside chats, people vividly remember the announcer saying that Fala was beside the President. He was so popular that a secretary was appointed to answer the enormous amount of mail sent to him.
Barney had several claims to fame - among them "Barney Cam" and his own White House website pages, his introduction to Miss Beazley, and the reporter who got himself bitten!
Want to see more - go here for great classic White House pet photos.
Cyber Fiber - Computer Help Forums
One more time - you say - "HOW DO I DO THIS!" and then try to not think about throwing the computer across the room.
Try a computer help forum - and just maybe you can get an answer you understand!
Tips - read the rules & policies (before posting); use the search feature to see if your question was already answered (before posting); and, finally, just because it's written doesn't mean it's true. Be careful before doing anything drastic, and back up your data.
Here are 2 forums that are relatively easy to figure out - with many more out there.
This forum is by 5 Star Support
This forum is by
Cattails - Cats in the White House
We couldn’t forget the "First Cats"!
Susan Ford (Gerald’s daughter) - Shan, Siamese
Fanny Hayes (Rutherford’s daughter) - Siam, Siamese
Kennedy - Tom Kitten, a gray cat
Clinton - Socks
George W. Bush - India, domestic shorthair
Amy Carter - Misty Malarky Ying Yang, Siamese
Woodrow Wilson - Puffins
Theodore Roosevelt - Tom Quartz and Slippers
McKinley - Valeriano Weyler and Enrique DeLome, Angoras
Rutherford Hayes - Miss Pussy, Siamese
Lincoln - cats - many !
Siamese cats were very popular! See the beautiful ones our breeders are offering.
Jenny de Vries:
"A cat allows you to sleep on the bed. On the edge"
Animal Trivia Answer: Laddie (Boy) - Warren G. Harding’s Dog

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