Dean's Welcome Notes
Do you know the real PETA? This acronym stands for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals". There are two sides to every story. Due to positive press coverage of many organizations, sometimes their "dark side" can be glossed over or even totally ignored. Here is a very provocative article and worth reading.
As always, here at and we value your opinions and enjoy hearing from you.
Until next time, Dean Hamill
Animal Trivia: What was the name of Jonny Quest's dog?
(Go to the end of the newsletter for the answer.)
Got a Dog with a Barrel Around Its Neck? |
Ok - you assume that the dog is a Saint Bernard, and you're almost right.
Right dog - but no barrel!
That classic picture of the St. Bernard with a barrel around its neck, rescuing those in need in the Swiss Alps, was in fact just a "classic picture".
In the 1690's, Salvatore Rosa went to the hospice at the Great St. Bernard Pass in the Alps to capture the likeness of two dogs on canvas. This famous Italian painter simply took artistic liberties and added the barrel (or cask).
The dogs that Rosa went to paint were famous for their heroic rescues, uncanny sense of direction, and resistance to extreme cold. Although the existing Saint Bernard breed differs from these original rescue dogs, there is no doubt that they are part of the breed's history.
The hospice for travelers, the pass in the Alps and the dogs that lived there, all take their names from Bernard of Menthon - the monk who founded an Augustinian monastery and hospice at 8000 feet.
Cyber Fiber 
What's in a blog, or, a blog by any other name...
You've probably heard the term - BLOG - but do you really know what it is?
And, do you really even need to know?!! Probably not - but just to greatly simplify yet another internet term, a blog is someone writing on the internet. That's it.
Like all writing, some is interesting, some is not. Some is good, and some is not.
The New York Times has a sort of
list of blogs, by subject, that they call Blogs 101. It's a decent introduction into what people are spending their time writing about on the internet.
Especially for our Advertising Members
It's here!!!
Our long-awaited new Build-It-Yourself website module
We are looking for some advertising members who are willing to help beta test it.
Feel free to give it a try.
If you are one of our full-year Advantage Members, your benefits include a free website, up to 25 pages.
If you already have a site with us, that's great, and you don't need to do anything. But, if you wish to create a new site, you certainly may. (The old modules are not compatible with the new one, so you cannot simply transfer from old to new.)
Scottish Fold : is it a cat or an otter?

Yes, the Scottish Fold cat did originate in Scotland, as their name might suggest! They were named for their folded ears, although Folds (as they're affectionately known) can have straight or folded ears. It takes at least 3 weeks after they're born to see if they will have folded or straight ears. This breed of cat truly loves to sit up - a lot!
Jean Cocteau:
"I love cats because I love my home and after a while they become its visible soul."
Animal Trivia Answer: Bandit (and Hadji) 
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