Dean's Welcome Notes
Greetings everyone and Happy May! Thought you'd like to know a bit about how we do business. Our site attracts some of the best animal breeders in the country. This is due, in no small part, because we strive very hard to offer our breed advertisers the best service anywhere. This ultimately means that when pets are purchased from our breeders, you should be getting a terrific animal. But, that doesn't mean that pet buyers shouldn't do their own homework. Keep reading to find out more!
As always, here at and we value your opinions - please feel free to suggest an interesting newsletter topic - we may just feature you in our next one!
Animal Trivia: What's the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box?
(Go to the end of the newsletter for the answer!)
Until next time,
Dean Hamill
Got a Great Dog Breeder? |
Maybe you're looking for that perfect pet for your home. Or searching for a companion animal for a loved one? Perhaps you're looking to breed your own dog? The internet seems to be a great place to search for dogs for sale and dog breeders. The only obvious problem is that this is, well, the internet, and not the real dog breeders home or business.
By all means, do start with a great site like ours to narrow down where to go looking for your perfect animal! Then, be prepared to do a little homework on dog breeders, because not all are created alike.
This subject is so important that we have devoted an entire page of our website to what you should know about puppy mills. We care deeply, and so do you, about the quality and health of your pets.
Some of the most basic guidelines for determing if you're dealing with a good breeder:
~ Puppies and parent dogs should not be confined to small cages and even when the cage is of an ample size, they should be able to spend a lot of their time out of their cages and in the company of humans and each other.
~ The animals should be clean and healthy, and appear happy and alert.
~ Dogs and puppies should have clear eyes, and have no discharge from the eyes or nose.
~ You should receive a vet check health guarantee from the animal you are purchasing.
~ Breeders should be willing to give you references to other people who have purchased animals from them.
~ No puppy should leave a breeder before it's 8 weeks old.
~ Your new puppy should have had at least one set of shots, and you should be provided proof of that.

~ Please don't buy a puppy from a pet store!
~ Please do ask the breeder questions!
~ Enjoy your new puppy or kitten!
Internet Resources
The internet has a wealth of resources that you can use - but finding them might not always be the easiest task in the world. From now on - this section will discuss something about the internet that might be a great resource for you or your pets.
Ten Smartest Dog Breeds - based on instinctive, adaptive and working intelligence
Wikipedia for dog breeds - become the expert for your breed!
Wikipedia for cat breeds - become the expert for your breed!
Wikipedia is the creme de la creme of online encyclopedias. The articles that make up this encyclopedia are written by volunteers - people just like you! Anyone can add information - Go here to read more about how you can add information. It boasts that over 684 million visitors go there every year. That's a lot of potential clients. Think about going into the section on your breed of cat, dog or other animal and seeing if there's anything you can add to this wonderful resource.
Especially for our Advertising Members
Since tax time has come and gone – how are you positioned for next year?
Here are some interesting and free tools that might help you manage your business! - this is free to register- and has over 100 tools to help small businesses from financial management to managing employees.
VistaPrint - this online printing store is always offering great deals - look for the free offers, and just pay the shipping charges. A great way to get business cards!
Microsoft Office Accounting Express - this is a free download for a Microsoft acounting package - check out the online demo (on the left side) for a preview.
Breeders - Build a More Profitable Business - you can create an additional profit center by utilizing the resources of NuVet supplements and Flint River Ranch pet foods. Check them out and see what they can do for you.
Start your pet
on the path to
"perfect health" |
Flint River Ranch Pet Foods
Super Premium Quality |
BreedersClub News
You can now find the BreedersClub website using either a .net or a .com suffix. We're sure that this will increase traffic for our advertisers, and make it easier for potential customers to find us.
Animal Trivia Answer: Bingo
We are passionate about our business and always appreciate referrals.
Please share or forward this to friends, colleagues, and animal lovers.
Main office in Oregon, Kathy (541) 997-0131 M-F 9am-5pm(PST)
Ads Manager in Oklahoma, Linda (405) 634-7551 M-F 9am-5pm(PST)
Published by: Dean Hamill 5897 Canary Road Westlake, OR 97493
(541) 997-0131
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