
Got Growing Profits?
November, 2007

Table of Contents:

1. Dean's Welcome Notes
2. Resources For You and Your Pets
3. Got Growing Profits?
4. Tips On Advertising Your Business
5. Notes For This Month

1. Dean's Welcome Notes

I hope this newsletter finds you ready for the holiday season. As more and more scamming climbs aboard the World Wide Web, we need to be ever more cautious about whom we do business with. The holiday season, especially, seems to bring out the greedy and seedy who find ample opportunity to take advantage of the more trusting souls. Important information follows. I hope you benefit from it.

Best regards,

Dean Hamill and

2. Resources For You and Your Pets

Got Gifts?

Thank you for the wonderful response to our product lines we have started featuring on As you consider gifts for your pets, customers and family members, remember how easy it is to order online. Save time and gasoline money by purchasing quality, reasonably priced gifts through our advertisers.


3. Got Profits?

One of my business goals has been to help breeders save money in advertising and find ways of making their breeding businesses more profitable. You can easily increase the profitability of your breeding business.

I have been fortunate to find two healthful product lines that are of the highest quality and require very little (read almost zero) time and paperwork and absolutely no inventory. In fact, one of the companies will even provide free samples for your pet buying customers.

Your customer base grows very naturally. Everyone who purchases a pet from you is very likely to purchase these high quality pet foods and supplements to keep their pets in optimal health. You simply need to introduce them to the products and then have them contact the companies to order directly.

As your customer base grows, so do your monthly commission checks.

Without reservation, I recommend these product lines and strongly suggest you consider affilitating with them. Here are the links to more information.

NuVet Plus: highest grade, natural ingredients, free samples for your customers, very generous commission structure.

Flint River Ranch pet foods: Super Premium Health Food for Dogs and Cats. No product to handle, no shipments/deliveries, excellent residual income potential.

4. Tips On Advertising Your Business

PayPal Observations and Warnings

One of the responses to my last newsletter confirmed to me what I had heard from some others in the past. Normally, PayPal is a wonderful way to accept and send payments. In fact, I often use it to send payments. However, a word of caution is in order. Read the following message from one of our advertising members and make your own decision.

"I have a comment on something I've learned the hard way. I used to accept PayPal for shipping puppies. I recently sold a pup, accepted a PayPal payment, they paid with their credit card, they said that the puppy they received was not the pup they bought, and refused payment on their credit card. The credit card company reviewed their documents, as well as mine and sided with their client. Paypal, will not tell you anything about their card company or any documents they may have sent. I no longer accept PayPal, as it is not worth the risk.

Bottom line here, seems to me, is that PayPal is in control of your money and not you. If the person buying the pet lied to them, you have no way of effectively countering their argument. So, a word of caution appears to be in order when accepting payment through PayPal from unfamiliar sources.

5. Notes For This Month

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you next month.

How are we doing?

If you need to call us, please do so at:

Main office in Oregon, Kim - (541) 997-0131

Ads Manager in Oklahoma, Linda - (405) 634-7551

We'd be pleased to hear from you. Are there questions you'd like to have answered in this newsletter? How about sharing a great advertising tip with our readers?

We are passionate about our business and always appreciate referrals.
Please share or forward this to friends, colleagues, and animal lovers.

Published by:
Dean Hamill
From: and and
5897 Canary Road
Westlake, OR 97493
(541) 997-0131

Copyright (�) 2007. All Rights Reserved.

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