Got Videos?
January, 2007

Table of Contents:

1. Dean's Welcome Notes
2. Resources For You and Your Pets
3. Got Videos?
4. Tips On Advertising Your Business
5. Notes For This Month

1. Dean's Welcome Notes

Greetings to you all. I hope this letter finds you all surviving this very strange winter.  Our ads manager, Linda, lives in Oklahoma City, OK.  She's been pretty much sequestered in her home with the ice and snow storms recently.  Fortunately, she's been able to continue her excellent service for our members who call on her.

I know many of you have had to deal with power outages and other weather related problems.  As we head toward Spring and things begin to thaw, we think we'll see much more activity for you.  Generally, pet sales pick up as we move out of the coldest months. If you have litters available for Valentine's Day, you may wish to update your ad(s) so that you can get maximum response.

I have super, great news for those of you who have active ads with us! You can now link a video into your ad. See the "Got Videos?" article below.

Best regards and thank you for choosing and,


2. Resources For You and Your Pets

We have a new online store with products for your pets - at great prices! Take a look around BreedersClubShop and choose from hundreds of items from beds to toys to training aids, even pet health care items.

3. Got Videos?

Very exciting news for all advertisers - new FREE feature.  You can now link on-line videos to your ads.  If you want to show videos of your pets for sale, you can do so very simply. 

In order to link an on-line video to your ad, simply login to your classified ads account and start to modify your ad.  You will see in the modification page a field preceded by
"Video Link (add http://)". Enter the link to your on-line video and be sure to precede it by http://. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Update button.
Viola! - the viewers of your ad will be instantly linked to your on-line video.

NOTE: On-line videos are videos that are already uploaded into an on-line service such as, and others like them. So, when utilizing this ad feature, you are actually linking to a video webpage you have already created on another site. This linking process is the same as linking your own website to your ad.

Pretty neat, eh? We think so.

Need some basics on making a better video? Here are two very decent short articles from the (DIY) DoItYourself section of's site: How To Make Better Videos and
Don't shoot! 10 tips to beat bad home video

4. Tips On Advertising Your Business

Referral Rewards- Many of our members refer other members to us. If you are a full-year Advantage Member, you can earn renewal credits with us. When you refer to us a new full-year advertising member, we'll extend your ad(s) by one month as a special "thank you" when your annual renewal time rolls around.

As an example, let's say you refer three new full-year members to or during your one-year membership period. We'll reward you with three additional months at your renewal time. In this case, you would pay for the year, but receive 15 months of advertising. You may refer up to a maximum of five new Advantage Members per year. The rewards are given only one time per referral and do not accumulate year after year. We love it when we receive referrals. Make sure you let us know when you refer someone so we can add it to your file and provide your reward at the time of your renewal.

5. Notes For This Month

Trouble with Internet Explorer 7.0

For those of you who have built websites on our "" or our
"" build it yourself website modules, please be aware of the following. The newly released MicroSoft Internet Explorer 7.0 browser creates some problems with the website modules. In fact, you may find that you will not be able to modify your site using that new browser. We recommend that you do not attempt to use IE 7.0 to modify your websites.

If you have already installed IE 7.0 as your browser, don't panic. A very excellent, free alternative browser is Mozilla's Firefox. If you wish to use this alternative browser, go to and download and install Firefox.

(DISCLAIMER: The above information in this paragraph is not a recommendation. You should be extremely cautious about downloading and installing any program from the World Wide Web. and its affiliates accept no responsibility for any damage to any electronic device resulting from the downloading and installation of any program referred to in this newsletter.)

How are we doing?

We always enjoy hearing from our advertising members. It is especially helpful to us when our members tell us about any problems or frustrations they are encountering. Remember, we have customer service. So, feel free to contact us if you need help.

Main office in Oregon, Kim - (541) 997-0131

Ads Manager in Oklahoma, Linda - (405) 634-7551

We are passionate about our business and always appreciate referrals.
Please share or forward this to friends, colleagues, and animal lovers.

Published by:
Dean Hamill
From: and and
5897 Canary Road
Westlake, OR 97493
(541) 997-0131

Copyright (�) 2007. All Rights Reserved.

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